Héctor LavoeThe tenor corner is still alive


Starting in 1993, every June 29 has become a historic and unforgettable date for salsa lovers. For those who have already raved with this corner tenor voice. That Juanito Alimaña was born in the streets Calle Luna and Calle Sol, of a singer whose legacy continues to defy time, proving that his music has no expiration date. Yes, today there are 25 almanacs of the death of Héctor Lavoe, the legend, who one year before moving on to a better life and enjoy the happiness of God, arrived in Peru to offer five spectacular concerts at the Home Fair.

They say that between 5 and 10 July a magical atmosphere enveloped the frantic performance of the singer. More than one fanatic would have killed the clock so that the dream of seeing her there, so close, so real, would never end.

They say that the Puerto Rican sonero denied a myth that was spoken of him. That of being late for his performances. Hector, in Lima, climbed religiously to the platform at 8 o'clock in the evening. Not without first performing a ritual: pray for five minutes and drink bacardi rum. After his recital, a cherry car took him to the Sheraton hotel where he was to stay.

In Lima, Lavoe had to change her wardrobe. Well mistakenly placed on the floor of the house wearing a floral shirt, white pants and sunglasses, in the style of Sony Crockett, the main character of the Miami Vice series. He imagined a tropical climate, but he found a very cold reality. It was winter and the temperature fluctuated between 15 and 16 degrees. That's why he had to buy six studded studs and the same number of jackets.

Hosted in a Sheraton suite, El Cantante suffered from boredom. Because he wanted to know Lima and for that he hid in the arms of his great friend Hugo Abele Maldonado – who also enjoys the glory of God – to visit the main neighborhoods of our capital and the first Harbor. Lavoe tasted the ceviche for the first time at the restaurant El Francesco, in Callao, although he liked the bethuela the most. He was in La Punta and also knew the island of San Lorenzo.

The singer who has never shown a bit of arrogance and professed Santeria, also visited the El Ángel Cemeteries and the Presbítero Maestro. After crossing this sacred field, he encountered a plaster image of San Martín de Porres. She loved him so much that she was not hesitant to put her hand in her pocket and to buy it to take her to Puerto Rico. Héctor Lavoe had a big boy, because he laughed and enjoyed it as such. In his room, in the Maldonado family's house, Hector was lying and did not miss a chapter of "Chavo del 8". and of 'Chapulín Colorado'.

Maybe that hurts us to write these lines, but Hector, in Lima, has also paraded self-destructive behavior. Between rum, marijuana and cocaine. And also foreshadowed his death, because one of his greatest friends said: "I will die soon, but I will do like the big one." And it is so: because he met her on June 29, 1993 in New York, almost forgotten, misunderstood, without anyone sympathizing with her grief.

Héctor Lavoe was not beatified, but for the salsero he sees him as that saint who allowed his legacy to continue defying time, proving that his music has no date of # 39; expiration.

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