Héctor Sandarti debuts on Telemundo in the morning


Héctor Sandarti begins a new stage, his contract with Telemundo, where he will start tomorrow in the morning
A new day
, forced to make a radical change, after 25 years of work on Mexican television, he moved to Miami, Florida with everything and his family.

Although since Tuesday he said goodbye to Televisa, in an interview with Organización Editorial Mexicana, the actor and driver confirmed that his new home is the Telemundo network, where he will share the broadcast with his first entry.

Marco Antonio Regil, Adamari Lopez, Rsahel Diaz and Zeleyka Rivera.

"When I lost my exclusivity last May on Televisa and in full awareness that Telemundo had interested me for years, I decided to start a negotiation, we talked about it and the proposal I looked very good, I decided to leave everything in Mexico, to burn all my ships for the formal contract that I signed for a very good working time and I can not not say how many years for confidentiality, "he said.

In the phone conversation, Sandarti said that he will face a drastic change, but

positive "I'm leaving with the whole family.I'm not afraid of this new life, I'm a person who thinks that the only thing to be afraid of is to be afraid.It is a challenge because it's a new job market

for me, the Spanish President of the United States, "said the artist of Guatemalan origin.

And Hector, without losing the seriousness of his voice, expressed: "My positivism led me to face 25 years ago to leave Guatemala to reside in Mexico.I had a market as competitive as the mexican with so many talented colleagues, now i do not feel at a disadvantage on the Hispanic market in the US because i am mexican-american, that fills me with pride and can allow me to be closer to this business entertainment. "


Sandarti reported that one of the last programs that he led in Mexico was
The privilege to send

One of the first to communicate his decision was the producer Reynaldo López.

"It allowed me last Monday through my characters to say goodbye to the program.I did my last skit and it was a very nice detail from the writers to put an end to my performance in this show that I love so much.From Monday, July 2, I will no longer personify Dr Miguel Ángel Mancera, López Portillo, Moctezuma, Ernesto Cordero and Enrique Ochoa Reza.


More than thinking that with his counterpart, the Mexican driver Marco Antonio Regil could be a working rival, Hector Sandarti said: "In fact, Marco and I are good friends, even several months ago, when we were invited
A new day
those who will be my companions were very happy.

"We decided, Marco and I, to create a father and a fun team to give the daily broadcast a very Mexican touch. Both with Adamari,

Zuleyka and Rashel, they are very nice and they treated me very well. I know that it took Marco several years to be in the program and for me it was a year, but he added more than anything else. "


Héctor Sandarti intends to launch a book after being adapted to his family and professional life in Miami, Florida. "The theme is about the change of life, which happens to me in this new stage as a person, father, husband and artist of how to deal with all kinds of changes always with a positive spirit and how the The best way is to cope with the changes, to change a lot, to begin with, "he explained as a central theme in the first person.


"The Mexican public, its inhabitants, its joy, its mischief, its humor, its food will miss me, and I tell them, I do not leave them completely because I will not be so far, we will be neighbors and I will be From time to time a walker in the CdMx, when I was resident for 25 years, time that was the best of my life and I do not say goodbye, but see you soon, he says.

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