Hepatitis A affects primarily in childhood, warns specialist


Notimex – Hepatitis A is the most common among the other varieties of this disease since it lasts two to three weeks and disappears without a trace, they said Specialists of the Institute of Security and Social Services Workers of the State of Sonora (Isssteson)

As part of the World Day Against Hepatitis which is commemorated Today, Isssteson's physician, Victorio García Zamudio, has indicated that type A affects the human being usually in childhood, although it also occurs in the home. the adults.

"It can be recognized because it causes a yellowish complexion," he said, in addition to his symptoms presented as general discomfort, fever, sore throat or abdominal.

He added that it is transmitted by feces, when consuming food or water contaminated with the virus, in order to prevent it being recommended to wash oneself hands well before eating and after "On the contrary, hepatitis B and C are chronic because once the patient is infected, he can become chronic hepatitis and over time, I speak He explained that type B can be caused by sexual contact, but also by blood transfusions of infected persons or by needle sharing during the use of intravenous drugs

. He added that the contagion of hepatitis C is also by the blood and very rarely or in some groups, it is by sex, so basically it is blood.

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