Hereditary cancer strikes one in ten people in Mexico


The breast, ovaries, endometrium, colon and gastrointestinal tract are the organs most affected by hereditary cancer that suffer from one in ten people diagnosed in Mexico

Rosa María Álvarez Gómez, coordinator of Hereditary Cancer Clinic at the National Cancer Institute (INCan) explained that unlike cancers caused by external factors, The hereditary has specific genetic causes and characteristics: there are atypical cases such as breast carcinomas in men, occur in the young population or outside the average d & # 39; Age, among others.

The most common type is Mama-Ovarian Cancer Hereditary Syndrome . When a neoplasm is detected in the breast they also perform targeted studies to detect an invasion of malignant cells in the ovaries, such as a transvaginal ultrasound and a tumor marker called C125, every six months. However, this type of carcinoma can affect other organs depending on the gene responsible.

The medical approach to hereditary cancer includes ongoing monitoring of health status. The patient may opt for surgical prevention or risk reduction measures, such as mastectomy with reconstruction, which involves removing breast tissue in both breasts, or personalized medications are offered.

To prevent neoplasia in the ovaries the ovaries, the fallopian tubes or the fallopian tubes are removed surgically

The specialist adds that not all neoplasms are hereditary even when one or more members of the family are detected. It deals with a pathology that affects more women than men.

Álvarez Gómez recounts that during his eight years of service, he provided integral treatment to more than five thousand patients. It is planned to serve 1,500 people in 2018.

A multidisciplinary team consisting of four clinical geneticists, one molecular biologist and two cytogenetics specialist, as well as a general practitioner supporting the field of research participate in this task.

The service is not open to the general public and is offered only to members of the family of patients with hereditary neoplasia who are treated at the institute, to whom prevention or reduction measures are offered.

The specialist recalled that 90% of cancer cases are the result of inadequate diet, physical inactivity, overweight and tobacco exposure, between other.


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