Hidrocalidodigital – Return of Pulmonary Tuberculosis


07/30/2018 20:54:01

Aguascalientes, Ags.-To this year, a total of 19 cases of pulmonary tuberculosis have been recorded in Aguascalientes and 42 patients are being treated in sector institutions

The number of detected cases was confirmed after performing laboratory tests in risk groups conducted by ISSEA, with the aim of having all cases localized and treated on time.

The state's Ministry of Health warned that pulmonary tuberculosis is a public health problem, affects any age and occurs more frequently in the productive-age population.

It is considered that a case that does not receive treatment can infect, per year, 10 to 15 people in your community.

Fortunately so far this year, no deaths have been detected because of this cause, but patients must be aware of not giving up their treatment, as this may bring

Omar Alejandro Valencia Torres, head of the mycobacteriosis program of the Institute of Health Services of the State of Aguascalientes (ISSEA), mentioned that infected patients receive the service for free and directly in the health centers under the supervision of a highly qualified staff.

Similarly, constant vigilance is maintained in tuberculosis patients, evaluating all their possible contacts in order to detect new cases early and to cure them by treatment.

Tuberculosis is an infectious disease, usually chronic, caused by the mycobacterium tuberculosis complex transmitted by patients to the healthy respiratory tract, to the ingestion of infected cow's milk or through contact with patients or cattle.

The most common is the pulmonary in its infectious form and is the most important epidemiological, however, there are other types such as meningeal, miliary and ganglionic, renal, genital and intestinal.

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