High net worthers spend an average of $ 85 on cosmetics


Although Fortnite is Free-To-Play, two-thirds of its players prefer to spend money on aesthetic elements of the game.

Fortnite is a resounding success that is an undeniable fact . The Battle Royale video game has almost completed its year of existence and has managed to position itself as one of the best titles currently. It does not seem like it will go down from his pedestal in a good time, as he continues to add followers, day in and day out.

One of the most attractive things about the game is that it's Free-To-Play . To play or win, you do not really need to invest a dime. Despite this, its creators in Epic Games have a good time earning a good amount of money. Millions of dollars are pocketing each month, and even its mobile version brings a considerable amount.

But how to earn so much money by becoming a free game? The answer is cosmetics . Players have the opportunity to spend on all kinds of aesthetic ornaments that do not contribute to their chances of winning. However, it is very popular to buy skins not to be such a novice player.

  Wealthy gamblers spend an average of $ 85 on cosmetics

In fact, a survey by LendEDU revealed to us that there is a lot of what people are spending at Fortnite . The organization questioned 1000 players about their buying habits in the game. Here are his conclusions:

The results of the survey

The first thing we see is that it's all over the place. at least 68.8% of the players spent money in the game . A not insignificant figure if we compare with the fact that this percentage paid Epic Games an average of 84.67 dollars . Nearly $ 85 for two-thirds of its active players, not bad.

But what was all this money for? 58.9% invested in skins for their characters . Meanwhile, a 18.06% bought Delta wings (gliders) and a 13.52% bought collection tools. Finally, a 9.52% chose to have emotes or dance steps.

Interestingly, for a 36.78% of those who invest money, Fortnite was their first payment experience in the game .

As for the hours played per week, one 29.4% said that their number was "Between 0 and 5 o'clock". One 32.5% replied "Between 6 and 10 am", a 17.3% "Between 11 and 15 hours", a 13.1% "Between 16 and 20 "and a 7.7% " 21 hours or more ".

On platforms where it is usually played, Playstation 4 takes the crown with a 42, 2% of the players. Xbox One follows with 35,2% PC with 13,9% and mobile with 8,7% .

Finally, we have something curious about the data . Apparently, nearly 20% of users who shop in the game innocently believe that cosmetic elements generate some advantage over rivals . Have they lost their money?

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