his new extension is a tribute to Calabozos y Dragones


Dodge Roll successful dungeon shoots received further expansion, Advanced Gungeons & Draguns . To celebrate the launch, Devolver Digital shared a fun trailer.

Like the previous extensions, Advanced Gungeons & Draguns is completely free and rebalances various aspects of the title. For example, enemies now release weapons and other rewards more often. However, rebalancing is not the only novelty.

What's the latest extension? In addition to new enemies and locations, armazmorristas must face new bosses. Among these is the Rata Ingeniosa which can be seen in the trailer, and a mysterious secret boss. There are also new weapons and synergies, some of which are sold by a new NPC : Synergrace .

Advanced Gungeons & Draguns also adds the new ] Turbo Mode . As its name indicates, it increases the speed of the game. To access this mode, just talk with Tonic the Dog in any dungeon.

As if the foregoing was not enough, the extension also adds the possibility for armor wearers to slide on the tables. If you want to know everything you have changed, we recommend that you follow this link.

Enter the Gungeon is now available for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC and Nintendo Switch. If you have not already done so, we recommend you read our game review on the following link:

Enter the Gungeon – The Review

Source: The Steam

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