Historical observation of white sharks in the waters of the Balearic Islands


Digital Millennium

The Scientific Expedition Alnitak 2018 observed at 10am on Thursday morning 28 June [19659004] white shark ( Carcharodon carcharias ) of five meters in length in the waters near the National Park of the Archipelago of Cabrera, in the Islands Balearic Islands

This is the first sighting of this type in Spanish waters in at least three decades. According to the organization in a press release, this "is the first scientific discovery of the presence of Carcharodon in Spanish waters for at least 30 years."

In recent years, there were possible unconfirmed rumors and various rumors, but on this occasion, this historical observation was photographed, filmed and contemplated by a crew of 10 people from five countries.

The scientific expedition is commissioned by the biologist Ricardo Sagarminaga van Buiten and also by the Galician biologist Fernando López-Mirones as director of the group ORCA -Films, in charge of the shooting.

On board the research vessel Töftevaag! With 108 years of history, Sagarminaga and López-Mirones have more than a month touring the waters of the Balearic Islands with teams aboard international volunteers who change weekly in Mallorca. In the end, this intense research bore fruit with this historical observation of a white shark that they could film for about 70 minutes .

The presence of Great White Sharks in Spanish waters was a constant rumor as well as a historical proof ratified by photographs and toponymy all along the coast alear, levantina and catalan. However, for many years it was not possible to document how this was done aboard the ketc h of investigation Töftevaag!

For the time being, and until they arrived at the port, they shared otography through the accounts of Alnitak in social networks, Facebook and Instagram.

* According to information from Alnitak, AFP and La Voz de Galicia



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