Hitting a woman on the London Underground while speaking Spanish


The racist facts in the UK have increased dramatically in recent months, to the point that the authorities are already looking for a solution to stop this behavior, but a woman was assaulted on the London Underground speaking in Spanish with another via your mobile phone.

Events between Dalston Kingsland and Canonbury were halted earlier this week, according to The Independent.

According to local media reports, a 56-year-old man was arrested for the alleged racist attack.

The woman was talking on the phone when a man approached her and shouted at her: "You must speak in English, you are in England.You should not speak any other languages "The woman could not or did not know how to answer in English. She answered in Spanish and before that, the attacker hit her.

Enrik Del Sol, witness of the events, explained that "someone activated the emergency stop, but that the attacker left without anyone having tried to contact him". # 39; stop. "

This is the second racial attack perpetrated this year in the transit network of the British capital. In April, a 24-year-old woman was assaulted on the subway for speaking Spanish. Two women threw themselves on him, pulling him by the hair, telling him that he had to speak English in England. The woman was injured on the face and scalp.

Source: Excelsior

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