Home Remedies for Nasal Congestion


Nasal congestion occurs when blood vessels and nasal tissues fill with fluid and become inflamed and do not necessarily involve nasal fluid. It is usually due to a cold, sinusitis or flu, according to Mayo Clinic specialists.

And although there are several types of nasal congestion treatment, you can complete the treatment that your doctor tells you with these simple home remedies for nasal congestion. Take note.

Remedy 1

You need to:

– Juice of 3 lemons
– 5 grams of licorice root
– 5 grams of mint leaves
– 1 cup of water


Boil the water and add licorice root and mint. Remove from heat, let stand, filter and add lemon juice.


Take the infusion on an empty stomach and before sleeping.

Remedy 2

You need to:

– 1 cup of water
– 1 radish sliced


Pour the water into the blender, add the radish slices and mix until you get a juice without lumps.


Take fasting once a day.

Remedy 3

You need to:

– 2 cloves of garlic
– 1 cup of water
– 1 tablespoon of honey


Put to heat the water until boiling, add the garlic and let it rest. Filter and add the spoonful of honey. Stir and take 1 time a day.

These home remedies are super effective and the best of all natural. Take the one you like and in just 15 days you will be free of nasal congestion. Test your power!

Do not forget to check the special section of health

Source: Santé180


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