Honda, Audi and Fiat reduce car production in October


Honda, Audi and Fiat reduce car production in October

The automotive industry recorded a 4.85% decline in light vehicle production in October of this year.


TheThe automotive industry recorded a 4.85% decline in light vehicle production in October of this year., compared to the same month in 2017, while unit exports increased at an annual rate of 0.76%.

In the tenth month of the year, car manufacturers manufacturing vehicles in Mexico recorded production of 363,000,474 units, of which 305,000,808 were exported.

According to the report of the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI), the reduction of vehicle manufacturing was mainly motivated by the shutdown of the Celaya Honda plant, Guanajuato since last June, due to the flooding that affected the manufacture of the Fit and HRV models and it is expected that the works of the plant will resume by November 17.

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For example, Honda de México recorded a 78.1% drop in unit manufacturing last October with only 4,000 units 122, compared to 18,000,844 vehicles manufactured in the same month in 2017, with the lowest of 33.3% in the year-to-date.

For its part, Audi is the second brand with a reduction in units produced with a drop of 22.3% with 13 thousand 108 units; Fiat Chrysler Automobiles decreased its production level by 6.5% with 58,000 new vehicles; General Motors dropped 5.4% with 78,000,582 vehicles and Volkswagen's 0.4% with 48,000 units.

As, the brands that increased their production in October were Ford with 45.1%; Kia Motors Mexico with 34.5%; Toyota with 22.8 percent and Nissan 1.7%, while Mazda did not report any figures in that month.

Thus, production from January to October last amounted to 3 million 317,000 units, a slight decrease of 0.07% over the same period of the previous year.

With regard to the exported vehicles, 305 thousand 808 units were sold during the last month of October., a positive variation of 0.76% against 303 000 514 vehicles the same month of the previous year.

This means that, from January to October, exports were favorable at 6.75%, with two million 876,000 508 units, compared to the two million 694,000 518 vehicles of the first ten months of 2017.

Brands that increased their exports in October were Toyota with 43.8%; Kia Motors Mexico with 43.7%, FCA with 16.8%; Ford Motor with 15.1%, General Motors with 8.1% and Nissan with 4.8%.

On the other hand, those who fell in this category are Honda with 76.6%, Audi with 63.2% and Volkswagen with 1.4% less.

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