Honduras and PAHO encourage vaccination campaign against human papilloma


The Honduran Ministry of Health and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) on Monday launched a vaccination campaign against the human papillomavirus (HPV) to reduce cervical cancer rates. 39 uterus in girls, adolescents and women.

"Today, we are becoming aware of the importance of vaccination because the lack of a vaccine can cause serious health problems in our population," said the Honduran first lady, Ana García, during the ceremony. addressed to parents, girls aged 11 and 21, pregnant women, the elderly and all public health workers.

"Vaccination is one of the best investments in public health. because it is better to prevent than regret, and we want to prevent the occurrence of an illness in the life of a person and in many cases of children, who can change their lives " He also highlighted the work of the Ministry of Health and the Pan American Health Organization, an institution that still supports the days of immunization in Honduras.

The campaign, whose motto is "Hero of Health ", according to the authorities, will present superhero characters representing the sex, age, race or culture of different ethnic groups in the country.

Cancer of the cervix, according to the OPS, is the most common women of the country of Central America, where the campaign is funded by the Global Alliance for Immunization and Immunization (GAVI)

The goal of GAVI is to ensure that by 2020, 300 million children receive the basic vaccines

In 1987, Honduras committed to eradicate polio, a goal it reached in 1994, while in 2002, measles eradication was consolidated. rina, tetanus and rubella control, among other diseases, by vaccinating more than 3 million Hondurans.

The Honduran government hopes to immunize in 2018 the population of 18 counties of the country to prevent diseases and reduce mortality, according to health authorities. (EFE)

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