Horror in Thailand: Human flesh served in a vegetarian restaurant


What looked like a quaint vegetarian restaurant in Bangkok, Thailand, ends with a find as disgusting as shocking. It all started when a group of customers detected the presence of meat among the noodles.

When they demonstrated in front of the local authorities, they discovered the macabre motive: it was actually human meat. They immediately conducted an investigation including a search of human remains and blood on the ground.

Thus, the body of the victim did not take long to appear in a local septic tank: a 61-year-old man who would have been a client usual place, identified as Prasit Inphatom.

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Being the main suspect, the restaurant owner ran away. Early indications suggest that it all started with a discussion between the two, which resulted from a fight and several fatal blows to the head.

In statements gathering various international media, local police said the owner's intention was to get rid of the body by using meat in different dishes.

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