Hospitalized our Adamari López


27/10/2018 | 3:42

Hospitalized and recovering, so
find the Puerto Rican actress and presenter, Adamari López.

The information was revealed yesterday at
Un Nuevo Día program, in which he works and partly dispels the rumors of
his prolonged absence on television and on his social networks.

"Our dear Adita is still sick and is in the
hospital receiving specialized medical treatment because of a condition
respiratory system that was presented to him, it was after a strong flu, "he explained.
his companion and friend Rashel Díaz.

At the beginning of last week, Adamari said that
I felt unhealthy and I had no choice but to go to the hospital
put a serum.

"The whole family of A Nuevo Día and Telemundo wishes you
a quick recovery to our Adamari López, to whom we send many,
Many greetings … We love you Ada and we are waiting for you here as soon as you
better, "read the official statement that appears on the screen.

Because of his illness, our querendona – which is
breast cancer survivor – stayed away from social networks.
On his Instagram account, he has not published anything since October 14th.

On October 9, Adamari celebrated his seventh birthday
birthday with the dancer Toni Costa at the famous Sandals Montego Bay Hotel,
of Jamaica.

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