Hospitals are named where they were injured by the explosion in Tultepec


The General Coordination of Civil Protection of the State of Mexico announced the names of the hospitals where the wounded were transferred by the explosion to Tultepec, State of Mexico.

Through his Twitter account, Civil Protection of the State of Mexico explained that the wounded were transferred to the ISSEMyM Clinic 3030 in Ecatepec; at Toluca ISSEMyM Clinic, Zumpango Specialties Hospital, Ecatepec General Hospital, Vicente Villada Hospital in Cuautitlán and Tultitlan General Hospital.

At least 19 dead and at least 40 wounded is the preliminary balance of a new pyrotechnic explosion, occurring in the municipality of Tultepec, in the state of Mexico.

According to early reports, around 9:35 am a first explosion occurred in the neighborhood known as & # 39; 39; La Saucera & # 39; Emergency items came to the scene to provide first aid.

A second explosion was then recorded in a powder magazine near the scene of the first incident. Residents went to help the body urgently to try to speed up the rescue work. Noting the presence of the media, some magazine manufacturers have tried to prevent the access of journalists and cameramen to the place.

Through a message on Twitter, the governor of the State of Mexico, Alfredo del Mazo, announced that emergency protocols have been activated.

In the colony of "Sauceda", two helicopters of the Group of Search and Rescue known as "The Group of Lightning And Mexican state authorities flew over the area.

In videos that have been shown through social media, you can see the exact timing of the second workshop. The roar and fire could be seen from the entrance of the municipality

Overview of the district of La Saucera where two explosions were recorded by fireworks. (Official Website / Mexico News Sector)

Overview of La Saucera neighborhood where two explosions were recorded by fireworks. (Official website / Mexico News Sector)

In an interview for FOROtv, Arturo Vilchis, General Manager of the Civil Protection of the State of Mexico, said the firefighters are trying to suppress the blast because There are substances that can not be fought

Arturo Vilchis pointed out that once the explosion is over, the count of the wounded and those who lost their lives will be counted.

The Director of Civil Protection of the State of Mexico pointed out that in the explosion zone there are no houses because it is a place where the artisans work with picrotechnical materials, with the permission of the authorities. He added that no additional help was requested from the firefighters because they were working with the resources of the Mexican state.

Alejandro Ozuna Rivero, Secretary General of the Government of the State of Mexico, said in an interview with FOROtv that the situation of the wounded because there is no confirmed number of people.

There is no confirmed number of injured, since they are in different hospitals in the area, we have to do the counting and so make known the number.

The Secretary General of the Government of the State of Mexico declared that the federal authorities would carry out the corresponding investigations.

He pointed out that Tultepec is a municipality where several explosions of pirotecna have been recorded, "for this reason we will have to make decisions."

Alejandro Ozuna Rivero pointed out that the competent authorities in the field of explosives will carry out a revision of place to avoid In his Twitter account, Luis Felipe Puente, National Coordinator of Civil Protection of the Ministry of the Interior, informed that by instructions, he was transferred with the Secretary of Government to the municipality of the State of Tultepec, Mexico.

In less than 10 days it is the second powder explosion in the municipality.

With FOROtv information.


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