How do I know if I am allergic to dogs


You have the tickle of having a pet, butyou fear to be allergic to dogs? You will do well to anticipate the possibility before having it and then get rid of the poor "hairy".

The good news is that If there is a reliable way to know for sure whether you are allergic to dogs or not

Agree with Mayo Clinic Specialists, the Allergy to a pet is an allergic reaction to the protein that the skin, urine or saliva of the animal in question.

– itching and watering eyes


Runny nose

Oppression to the chest

Respiratory problems

– cough

Hives and itching on the skin

Nasal congestion

Facial pain

Whistling while breathing

– The skin of the bluish face

Sleep problems by the above symptoms

To confirm that you really have suffer from allergy to dogs, the allergist will indicate that you have a blood test detect certain antibodies causing allergies against different animal allergens.

Or do you make a Allergy skin test in which animal protein allergens are applied to see if there is an allergic reaction to your skin, that is if it causes a red trepidation.

Generally the treatment for dog allergys consists of do not have contact with the cause of allergy, that is to say with dogs.

In addition, the allergist may, depending on the case, indicate the take certain medications such as antihistamines, decongestants, costicosteroids, among others.

Another alternative is the immunotherapy so that by the application of some vaccines your immune system no longer has allergic reaction to dogs and allergy is eradicated.

As you see it's very easyOpen if you are allergic to dogs and there are treatments to treat this allergy. So If you think you are allergic to dogs or if you want to doubt them, do not hesitate to go to an allergist. for you to check and do the relevant tests.

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