How many hours are needed to sleep well?


A study by the National Sleep Foundation (NSF) revealed the suggested rest times. Not getting enough sleep can lead to consequences such as sudden changes in mood, fatigue and stress.

Sleeping less than six hours can pose a health risk. Among the possible diseases that can bring, there is hypertension and diabetes.

It is advisable to sleep between six and a half to eight hours However, for adults, a rest period of seven to nine hours is suggested, according to the National Sleep Foundation (NSF). The organization that specializes in studying the sleep and rest of people

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Sleeping less than the recommended time, also has other negative consequences in the body. It can cause sudden changes in mood, fatigue, stress and decrease alertness.

Moreover, it makes people slower and clumsy in their daily activities. This can affect all people, albeit in a different way.

(You may be interested in: Tips for sleeping well).

The NSF study also reveals that it is not enough to sleep only the recommended number of hours. It should also be a break that does not break for more than five minutes and the person should wake up as quickly as possible.

One way to know what are the necessary hours of sleep for our body is to get up naturally, that is, without any alarm.

Another alarming fact that casts the review Sleep, is that those who do not rest enough are more likely to die and lose some of the brain tissue.

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