How many times the buffer needs to be changed


This is one of the main questions when we chose the tampons as a method to absorb the menstrual flow in "our days", how often is it necessary to change it?

Most brands of tampons and experts in vaginal health recommend changing it every four to six hours and never more than eight hours because we can cause an infection or something more delicate known as toxic shock.

Buffers, how often should we change them? / Courtesy: iStock

According to the Mayo Clinic, toxic shock syndrome is a rare complication caused by the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus, mainly associated with the use of super absorbent pads and which uses it for more than eight hours.

As in the case of Sara Manitoski or a 16-year-old girl died from a toxic shock syndrome . She slept with the tampon and in forensic tests, the strain of this bacteria was found in the tampon that was inside her body.

Therefore, the importance of being very careful in the time we have the buffer. In the case of those who use them while swimming the pad must be changed every time you come out of the water because it absorbs too much water and accumulates moisture, being more vulnerable to vaginal infections.

Tampons are women's favorite products, because offer greater mobility during menstruation either by wearing tight clothing, playing sports, or playing sports. or, it is an option if you are sensitive or irritated with the use of sanitary napkins.

For the vast majority, it's the best option if you're going to swim because it's the only alternative that will allow you to get in the water and not to suffer a "Accident" ashamed. If you are one of the women who prefer to use tampons, these are the recommendations to take care of your health.

  • Change buffer more frequently, every 4 to 6 hours
  • Never exceed 8 hours
  • Choose pads other than super absorbers
  • Never sleep with pads
  • Read the recommendations carefully
  • If you have ever had a toxic shock syndrome or a previous serious infection with staph or streptococcus, do not use tampons.

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