How much money and what spend the players of Fortnite, the game of the moment – 30/06/2018


It is known: it is a success. But not only because he's been playing crazy since last year in a multiplicity of platforms, consoles and devices, not only because he enjoys a massive download by iOS users . Fortnite earns millions and more since this year its first mobile version is out (and this has not yet reached Android).

A few days ago we reported that the most irreverent game of the genre "royal battle" generated in just 3 months about 100 million dollars of turnover only on iPhone. This already places it at the level of Clash Royale one of the leaders of the segment of the mobile games in terms of turnover.

And this week, the firm SuperData reported that only in May the game charged $ 318 million on all platforms. It is ranked fifth in the world ranking of PC game revenue and first in consoles.

Now, a new survey among US players gave a radiograph of how much and what spent average

  Fortnite offers a game mode for beginners

how much money are we talking about?

In Fortnite an initial combo (with a disguise, an object and some "V-Bucks" or "paVos", virtual pieces), a cheap dance or a basic delta wing are around $ 5. But prices can go up to the equivalent of $ 15 or $ 20 for emotes outfits and more sophisticated accessories.

  In Fortnite, the expenses are

In Fortnite, the expenses are "cosmetic". "No benefit in the game.

According to the survey made between 1,000 fortniteros (users who have it as the main game), the credit consultant LendEDU discovered that" no advantage in the game. on average they spent 84.67 dollars (almost 2500 pesos) .It is a figure that could indicate that the player made about 10 acquisitions or more.

This is a given Although players who have not yet made purchases are counted, the average is $ 58.25 The survey showed that 2 out of 3 users (68, 8%) made an acquisition.

In addition, Fortnite (from the Epic Games studio) becomes, for many, the excuse to start in the leisure expenses: 36, 78% of respondents said it was the first time they were shopping in a game.

How are they spending it?

According to the study from LendEDU, Players make the majority of their investments in appearance. Respondents said that 58.9% of the expense ($ 49.87, on average) do so in cosmetics characters: costumes ( held ), which make more showy, more striking, more (or less) copados.

Then there is also a significant portion of the average budget of the player who goes to the objects. A 18.06% ($ 15.29) goes to the wing deltas ( gliders ) to be projected in the air, and 13.52% ($ 11.45) at peaks ( picks ) to obtain construction resources.

There are only the famous emotes the gestures, the dances or the teasing characteristic of Fortnite . The survey indicates that only 9.52% purchases ($ 8.06 average) point to the movements.

  Fortnite sells successfully, costumes, picks, dances and hang-gliding.

Fortnite successfully sells costumes, picks, dances and wing deltas

  PlayStation and PUBG give Fortnite 2 some good news, the game of the moment "src =" https: / /images.clarin. com / collections / static / lazy_square.svg "data-big =" "data-small =" https: //images.clarin. com / 2018/06/26 / Hklsx7-Mm_110x110__1.jpg

Why are you playing in this game?

The download of the game is free and the purchases of objects or dances no they offer no advantage to the players in the survival battles, whatever something that 80% of respondents know (many need to be fueled). So, if acquisitions are not necessary, what motivates them to buy?

"Fortnite engages players with a great gaming experience and keeps them captivated long enough that they feel involved with the game and want to invest money to further improve their game. experience, "says consulting firm LendEDU

Are these expenses a symptom of addiction? A video game specialist rejects this idea." Behind its striking colors, its fantastic obstacles and its excessive landscapes, and the statement without proof that the games are "addictive", there is a well-designed motivation card which encourages "says Andrew James Reid of the Glasgow Caledonian University

However, there are those who warn that these games can deploy sophisticated monetization systems when the user is already playing. He spent time playing for free. "Predatory monetization schemes often involve buying systems in the game that conceal or cover the long-term cost of activity until the players are already engaged financially and psychologically ", two professors at the University of Adelaide in an opinion column published Thursday in the Journal of Psychology Addiction .

  The Fortnite is now the passion of the crowds (photo, actor Joel McHale, when he played at E3 in June). And it's a negotiation. (Bloomberg)

Fortnite is today a passion for crowds (photo, actor Joel McHale, when he played at E3 in June). And it's a negotiation. (Bloomberg)

Epic Games insisted that Fortnite: Battle Royale does not tempt users of "loot boxes" (which for some European regulators operate like slot machines), and that their sales they have to do with the aesthetics and not with the improvement of the chances of success of the user.

This economic model seems to be bearing fruit. Whitney Meers a specialized player, describes his experience with purchases this way: "It's the same amount I spend once a day for coffee, but the pleasure of a emote or an accessory may last as long as I continue playing Fortnite . "

Sources: LenEDU, The Conversation, Tour des Sens, SuperData, Addiction

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