How to add music in a photo or video of the Instagram story – Applications – Technology


Currently, Instagram Stories is used by 400 million users a day and to celebrate, the social network of photographs has presented a new feature that allows its users to insert soundtracks in pictures or videos of their stories.

According to the company's blog, to use the feature, just use, like the Gif and Survey options, the sticker that contains the music icon.

a music library will appear in which you can choose the one that suits you best.

The system offers four options: you can search for a specific song, browse the mood, genre or anything that is popular.

You can then touch the play button to preview. If it's the song you want to accompany your photo or video, you can choose the exact part that fits your story.

In the library you will find renowned artists such as Bruno Mars, Demi Lovato, etc. Instagram will add new songs every day, according to a statement from the company.

On the other hand, you can also choose a song before capturing a video. For this you have to click on the new option "music" which is at the bottom of the screen.

You can then search for the song, select the exact part, and record the video while the song is playing in the background.

Fans can listen to the song while they are watching the stories, as well as the sticker that shows the title of the song and the name of the artist.

The music marking function will be available today for iOS and Android in the countries selected by the company, which it has not named in the version. However, he announced that he would soon expand to other countries.


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