How to avoid cystitis in summer and what are its symptoms? : Your doctor


The summer is the favorite time of many, it is the perfect time to go on vacation and enjoy a moment of rest. But this is also the time when there are more and more cases of cystitis type of urinary tract infection that can cause a lot of discomfort

The Cystitis is the medical term of inflammation of the bladder and is an infection caused by bacteria.

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The risk of cystitis increases in summer

Cystitis It can cause a lot of pain and discomfort and if it does not occur Is not timely care, it can spread to the kidneys.

According to the Phytotherapy Research Center (INFITO), about 37% of women suffer from an episode of cystitis in their lifetime and 20% come back to suffer it in the following months.

The risk of cystitis increases in summer, due to the proliferation of its responsible bacteria, the "Escherichia coli". ]  cystitis [19659002] This organism is found in the digestive system and in the vagina and in normal situations it is usually expelled by urine.

Women are much more vulnerable to pain because of their anatomical characteristics, including urethra shorter than men

"The moisture caused by wet swimsuits or sexual intercourse, which tends to be more common in summer, can alter the vaginal flora and promote the adhesion of these microorganisms to the walls of the urinary tract, which leads to infection, explains Dr. Juan Carlos Ocaña Professor at the University of Alcalá

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Symptoms of cystitis [19659007] Symptoms indicating the development of infection are:

Itching and pain during urination

Pain in the lower belly

Increased desire to urinate [19659004] Discomfort in intercourse [19659004] Vaginal itching



How to prevent cystitis in the summer?

For prevent cystitis ] we give you some simple tips. Take note.

1. Drink water

The recommendation is to drink at least a liter and a half of liquid a day, which will result in the rapid elimination of urinary tract bacteria .

2. Urinating Frequently

If you drink a lot of water, try to urinate every two or three hours so you do not hold back urine in your urine. bladder and bacteria do not grow.

3. Urine Before and After Sex

It is very important to urinate before and after intercourse to help the body eliminate bacteria that can accumulate.

>> 5 Ways to Avoid Urinary Tract Infections

4. Use Neutral Soaps

Try Washing Your Intimate Area with neutral soaps and do it back and forth to avoid contamination of the urethra. It also dries your genitals in the same direction.

Avoid douching because they affect only your vaginal flora .


5. Going to the bathroom

If you suffer from constipation, take a treatment to eliminate it and do not hold back stool in the body because it facilitates the proliferation of germs near the urinary tract.

6. Choose your Underwear

Underwear must be cotton and must not be adjusted. As for swimsuits, do not let them wet for long, otherwise the humidity will affect your intimate area, promoting cystitis.

7. Take care of your diet

Avoid alcoholic beverages, caffeine, snuff and soda, they only weaken your vaginal flora and make it more vulnerable to infections.

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(With Infosalus Info)


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