How to hide videos and photos sent to WhatsApp?


SPAIN.- WhatsApp is the most common means of communication available for most mobile phone users. In your conversations Business conversations are established, events are organized and the funny ones or the images are shared.

Until recently, all images, videos and voice notes received by the messaging application were downloaded and saved automatically in the "Gallery" application, the common place of all multimedia files hosted by the phone, reports the portal. L & # 39; vanguard.

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To avoid this chaos of different origins, WhatsApp recently began distributing a new option with which it was possible to stop viewing the media files received in the same folder where we store our photos.

Uncheck the new option "Show multimedia files in the gallery", the files received in the gallery have not been saved. Now, WhatsApp has added another step to hide the media more precisely.

As some users of the beta program of the email application have been able to detect, the service will soon decide exactly which groups do not want to record multimedia files automatically.

In this way, WhatsApp is preparing to prevent all images and videos that a group that has the habit of sharing compromised or inappropriate things, mingle with the rest of the service archives.

To avoid it – once the new option is active for everyone – you will have to go to the group or the conversation from which you want to avoid photos and clips, look in the menu option "Group information" and touch in "Visibility of the multimedia file" that we have to set to "No".

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