How to identify cold sores


The known "lipstick", Is a common viral infection; It is estimated that about 85% of the population suffers from it and manifests itself by small fluid-filled blisters on or around the lips, which usually occurs when the immune system s'. # 39; lowers.

The epidemiologist of the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS), Jorge Enrique Gil Miranda, explains that, also called sore It heals for two to four weeks without leaving a scar. However, it can be easily transmitted by close contact from one person to another, for example when kissing.

At first, you may feel tingling or itching in the area – the contour of the lips with the skin of the face – and then blisters appear that ooze after several days.

Some clinical signs that may appear are: fever, eroded and painful gums, sore throat, head and muscles and even swelling of the lymph nodes.

Habitually He is removed without treatmentHowever, the expert recommends consulting the doctor when the patient is under defensive, if no favorable change occurs within two weeks, or if the eye irritation or the occurrence of recurrence occur.

The special recommendation is to avoid kissing, to have physical contact with other people, especially with minors, because they can not receive proper care and can spread from other parts of the body.

Other tips are to avoid sharing personal items such as tissues, towels, glasses or cutlery, cosmetics, to keep your hands clean and to avoid them. Sun exposure.

Reduce presence of herpes it is necessary to maintain a good diet, to control any present disease, to reduce stress, fatigue, sedentary life, insomnia, consumption of alcohol and tobacco.

The doctor adds that if it is not treated or taken care of, it can spread to other parts of the body, to the fingers and to the eyes. Those with weakened immune systems can touch the spinal cord and the brain, he concludes.

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