How to know if anyone has blocked you on WhatsApp and other stuff you should know


Nowadays, it is almost impossible to separate from the Internet, mobile phones and applications that accompany them. Social networks have become an extension of ourselves and are basically the means by which we communicate every day.

WhatsApp is one of those apps that has become as popular as Facebook and Instagram. Because of its immediacy and simple operation, this instant messaging application is one of our favorites.

Photo: Unsplash

For this, we share the best tips to get the most out of it and enjoy all its benefits.

– Recovering Deleted Conversations

We have all lost a conversation and we regret it. To correct this, you can apply a very simple trick, you just have to uninstall and install the application again for your phone to retrieve the archived messages.

The only detail is that it must be done almost immediately because you can not retrieve the old messages Yet, it's something that never hurts to know.

– Cancel A Voice Message

If you are in the middle of a voicemail message and you make a mistake or you repent immediately, just cancel it and he will not be sent. Like when you release the microphone icon directly, you must continue to press and slide to the left. In this way, the sound will not be sent and you can re-record it without any problem.

Read more: Whatsapp: The way you ruin your relationship and you do not realize

– Read messages without appearing "online"

Do you want to know what this message says, but do not want to give up on yourself? Then you can apply this simple trick. What you need to do is to drag the downloaded WhatsApp icon to your mobile phone and drag it to a blank page of your mobile phone. This blank page is like a separate session so you can enter without it directly from the application.

– Know when someone blocked you

If you think that some person has stuck you on WhatsApp, you just have to form a group and have somebody else. try to add that person you suspect. If your contact does not appear to you, it is because this person has blocked you. The application shows you your contacts, but it does not allow the addition of blocked numbers to the group.

To find out more: WhatsApp : his new hidden functions so that no one spies your messages

– Prevents others to know when you have read your messages

The blue popcorn can be avoided by disabling the read confirmation option. You can find it in the Account section, then in Privacy. By doing this, the other person will know that you have received the message (double popcorn appears) but they will remain gray so you will not know if you have read it or not.

  • Technology
  • Applications
  • WhatsApp Tips
  • Instant Messaging

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