How will Jacky Bracamontes' twins be called?


MEXICO.- Pregnancy Jacqueline Bracamontes continues to develop normally and the driver has decided this time to publish a photo showing his baby bump for "all the people who ask how my daughters grow up," he said in his Instagram account.

In the picture, we see Jacky in a bikini, showing her belly, and at the same time, she revealed a doubt that she had left the show, literally, during an interview on the show Hoy, or He revealed the name of one of his grandchildren: Emilia.

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"One of our names is Emilia and the other Martín (her husband) decides, not yet …", but added that they already had several in mind. "We are among Camila, Paula, Alexa, we do not know well …" said the aforementioned program.

Well, the doubt was revealed by Jacky herself, the name of her other little girl will be Paula, she wrote on the photo mentioned: "Growing up for a second, my Emilia and my Paula".

The pregnancy of the driver is very advanced and she predicts that the girls will be born in December. After seeing the possibility that one of the gemelitas had Down's syndromeToday, it is ruled out, because Martín Fuentes, Jacqueline's husband, told the Suelta program the soup that was told in the United States, but doctors from Mexico assured them that it was safe. there was nothing to worry about.

With Emilia and Paulathe family Fuentes Bracamontes will have five small families, the first are Jacqueline, five, Carolina, four, and Renata, two.

With information from the Who portal.

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