Hunting continues against people linked to Caesar Duarte


Chihuahua, Chih .- The accountant of Cesar Duarte Jaquez, was arrested late by elements of the Attorney General's Office, as announced by Governor Javier Corral Jurado and confirmed by the same company. investigation. [19659002] Up to now, there are two people arrested for investigations conducted as part of the operation called Justicia Para Chihuahua. Until now, the identity of this person is unknown, but it will be in the next few minutes where the facts and the crimes for which they were learned will be known.

On the other hand, this morning, elements of the Office of the Attorney General of the State, they arrested Erick Manuel Hernández Aguilar, who was responsible for the Directorate of Investment Programs of the Ministry Finance in the administration of César Duarte Jáquez.

According to the first Erick Hernández investigation, he could have participated in the embezzlement of more than 200 million pesos in 2016 with the former director of the administration of the secretary of education, Karla Arelí Jurado Bafidis, former director Antonio Tarín and former secretary Ricardo Yáñez.

In the next hours will be given to know the form of hearing of the charge against the detainee who will be brought before the judge.

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