Hurricane "Willa & # 39; touch of land on the coast of Sinaloa


The hurricane Willa, In category 3, Toco made landfall this Tuesday at 19:38 Mexico Central Time in Escuinapa, Sinaloa, informed the National Meteorological Service.

The National Water Commission (Conagua) announced that "Willa" was moving 17 kilometers to the hour, with winds of 195 kilometers to the hour (km / h) and gusts at 240 km / h.

At 19:00, Mexico's central time, the front wall of the meteor covered the south of Sinaloa, between Escuinapa and Rosario, as well as north of Nayarit, in Tecuala, Acaponeta and nearby.

The entry of the eye of the hurricane on the Mexican coast caused intense rains with winds of 250 km / h and gusts of up to 300 km / h.

In Sinaloa and Nayarit, the main risks of Hurricane Willa are landslides in mountainous areas, due to the softening of the ground due to the amount of rain brought, according to the Center for Science of the atmosphere (UNC) of the UNAM. .

The State Committee for Civil Protection reports that since midday more than two thousand people were evacuated Escuinapa and were concentrated in shelters installed in schools, private homes and DIF centers. They are farm workers and families from the Escuinapa coast.

The Mexican army is ready to activate the DNIII plan and act immediately in the face of potential floods in rural communities, said General Ernesto Alejandro Vadillo Trueba, commander of the Third Military Region.

Economic, educational and bureaucratic activities were suspended from 14:00. Public transport was paralyzed and only 30 units were available to move families to shelters.

Roads and highways between the states of Sinaloa, Nayarit and Durango have been partially closed and only the pass will be allowed if strictly necessary, informed the state government.

The DIF system in Sinaloa sent 53 tons of food to the 84 air-conditioned shelters in the seven municipalities where there has been a red alert since Monday.

Last September, Hurricane Rosa was displeased to the region because the main problem of this phenomenon is the amount of precipitation, regardless of its category, said Graciela Raga, researcher at CCL.

"People consider it to be category 5, it causes more damage, but it is not necessarily the case," he said.

Large hurricanes move faster than lower-grade ones, but precipitation is more abundant, which tends to soften the soil, said the CCA's Micro and Mesoscale Interaction Group Specialist.

Tuesday morning, thousands of people were evacuated and hundreds of businesses closed. Residents covered the doors and windows of the hotels with large wooden planks in front of the historic promenade of Mazatlan center in Sinaloa.

Willa He weakened Tuesday in category 3 after reaching the maximum level of 5 last Monday.

"It's still an intense hurricane," said Roberto Ramírez, director of the National Water Commission (Conagua), during a press conference.

With information from Reuters and Carlos Velázquez *

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