Hygiene measures can help prevent some types of mastitis


The application of adequate hygienic measures can prevent certain types of mastitis, a problem that

Mexico, July 2 (Notimex) .- The application of adequate hygienic measures may prevent some types of mastitis, a problem that occurs during and outside the lactation period in women 18 years and older. at age 35, said the Chief of the Gynecology-Obstetrics Department of the Juárez Hospital of Mexico (HJM), Antonio Gutiérrez Ramírez

He recalled that this problem consists of inflammation of the mammary glands that manifests itself by severe pain, hardening of the chest, redness of the skin and increased body temperature.

The doctor indicated that the most common type is puerperal mastitis, which occurs during the first two weeks of lactation and is characterized by rovocar stagnation of milk, due to inexperience in the technique of # 39; breastfeeding.

In other cases, he said, is caused by bacteria that are on the skin of the chest, such as the "staphylococcus aureus", which enters the areola or nipple through the cracks in the epidermis that are caused by incorrect or excessive aspiration of newborns.

Gutiérrez Ramírez added that patients facing this condition are prescribed antibiotics and anti-inflammatories, although he clarified that the mothers should not stop breastfeeding for this cause when he There is no diagnosis of infection.

Also, among the other preventative measures for not developing mastitis are: offer breast on demand, do not limit the duration of ingestion, avoid wearing adjusted clothing, massage and clean the chest before l & rsquo; Breastfeeding, as well as good hand hygiene.

On the other hand, the doctor warned that there were also non-associated mastitis. lactation, which is an inflammatory process linked to tumors, trauma and other types of pathologies, such as so-called autoimmune or idiopathic diseases.

This problem affects women 18 years and older, but predominates in the 30 to 35 years, and among its most common symptoms are redness of the skin, increased temperature in the region of the chest and the presence of tumors with diffuse edges that do not move or secrete pus.

inflammation that causes breast cancer, it is advisable to go with a specialist to perform studies such as mammography, ultrasound and biopsies, to rule out the presence of carcinomas, specified in a statement from the Ministry of Health.

Gutiérrez Ramírez in the self-exploration of the chest from 18 years and older, an examination to be performed seven days after the end of menstruation, and is to detect nodules, areas of reddened skin or orange peel.

"If there is suspicion of a malignant lesion, regardless of age, a mammogram should be performed." For women 40 years of age and over, bilateral mammography and ultrasound should be performed to find nodules that can not be palpated. "

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