Hypersonic planes of the future will be able to unite London and New York in two hours


From Europe to Australia in five hours, from Los Angeles to Tokyo in three hours or from London to New York in less than two hours. Has the announcement been made by Carlos Saúl Menem in the 90s? No: In the Forum-Exposition of the American Institute of Aeronautics Aviation, a prototype of hypersonic aircraft was introduced that could fly at 6,000 kilometers per hour .

The company's first hypersonic transport concept may have military and commercial applications, the company explained, although tourist flights would only be possible in 20 or 30 years [19659002] "It's a concept that could redefine aviation and connect the world faster than ever ," writes company CEO Dennis A. Muilenburg on his account Twitter

It is not yet known how these planes will be built to reach a sufficient speed. , although experts talk about lighter materials for the fuselage and new engines. The other key question is: Will tickets be reasonably priced for the airplane to be profitable ?

Beyond the speed of sound

The hypersonic concept designates a vehicle capable of flying a Mach 5 or five times the speed of sound, the next level of speed over the supersonic speed. To compare it to something we all know, the famous Concorde, which connected New York and London in three and a half hours, flew to Mach 2.02 .

This year, a Boeing 787-Dreamliner from the Norwegian airline He has achieved the fastest transatlantic flight record for a subsonic aircraft. On January 15, he joined the British capital with the American "Big Apple" in 5 hours and 13 minutes, at a speed of 1,248 kilometers per hour.

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