I did not press the Republicans for the immigration plan


President Donald Trump said that he had never asked Republicans in the lower house to vote on immigration proposals that succumbed last week, denoting his latest lash. with regard to the measure.

Trump tweeted from his New Jersey golf club that he never urged lawmakers to back the plans because they had not been approved by the Senate. He tweeted that he let a lot of House Republicans go "before the vote knowing that we needed Republicans to win in November".
But the president's statement contradicts a comment he made three days ago, when he tweeted that the House of Republicans should approve "STRONG BUT RIGHT" measures even if the Democrats do not allow their approval in the Senate. A week earlier, he urged Republicans to stop wasting their time on the measure that's after the elections.
Trump's tweets are another turning point in Republican efforts to adopt changes to the country's immigration laws after a wave of complaints about the separation of children from their migrant parents on the border with the United States. Mexico broke out. Trump's remarks took place on the same day as the walks across the country protesting his immigration policy.

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