I do not believe that the pacification is carried out in the administration of AMLO: Meyer; international support will be needed: Corcuera


Santiago Corcuera, a former member of the UN Committee against Enforced Disappearance, said that the appointment of the Attorney General must be "completely detached from any interference or opinion of the executive branch."

Although there is a desire on the part of the team of the virtual elected president, Andres Manuel López Obrador to achieve the pacification of the country, will not be realized at the during the next sexennium, said historian Lorenzo Meyer.

" The solution to this problem is very long-term, do not expect miracles what we have right now is the willingness to change our way to fight against organized crime and the investigation of victims. "

In an interview for #AristeguiEnvivo commented that during the seminary " Oblivion, Truth or Justice? " next Secretary of the Interior, Olga Sánchez Co rdero admitted that there is a disaster in the country and did not do what he should [19659008] " Ni (Enrique) Peña Nieto, nor Felipe Calderón had spoken before this issue of a particular situation because it is so serious what happens that the frame legal system is not sufficient to deal with it and transitional justice is necessary, in which is the creation of courts that assume responsibility for sibility to investigate and make decisions in this world of truly horrifying cases, types of murders, torture and disappearances of people, "he said.

In addition, he added, the question of amnesty triggered "a wave of comments and speculation." " The amnesty remains until the end of the process, when the truth commissions and the sentencing commissions that happened played their paper … These are crimes that, before the law, are not of a magnitude that hinder amnesty, and this is largely based on the fact that defendants declare, help to know what who happened to the missing, where they are, the instruments in the murders, and who, the intellectual actors, "he added.

Regarding the pacification of the country, Meyer said that You can live even if there is still violence.

"I do not believe that pacification will be achieved even in the next six years" he said.

The historian also recalled that at the seminar, Sánchez Cordero assured that López Obrador had given him an open letter for to discuss the decriminalization of drugs

Similarly, did he says, relatives of missing persons and other victims of violence have participated

"The new government has not yet realized its project violence, organized crime and the repression of these crimes. if it is not done, there is still time to put new ideas, to rethink everything before the device engages on a type of solution to the problem, "he said. he says.

For his part, Santiago Corcuera, former member of the Committee against the enforced disappearance of the United Nations (UN), welcomed the words of Sánchez Cordero because " hopes that whoever will occupy the Secretariat of Governance spoke of the mechanisms of pacification as truth commissions or the possibility of discussing the decriminalization of drugs which is the material cause of the situation in which we are involved. "

However, he noted that there are proposals from López Obrador that are not compatible with the goal of pacification such as the non-use of the Armed Forces in the work of public security

international experts who visited Mexico or who reviewed the situation in the country and around the world, where made the terrible decision made by Felipe Calderón -who he us the must historically, I do not know how he sleeps all nights after what he provoked – they are agreed that those who make the decision to use the armed forces in the police or of dealing with crime produce a spiral of violence like the one that occurred here. "19659008] In this sense, he added, though they are not being phased out, with an exit plan that is permanently and permanently, the country will not be pacified.

"What is This is the proposal At one point, in great detail, Andrés Manuel López Obrador presented, in the sense of the merger of the Navy, the Army and the police into a single force that he called National Guard under your direct command. I hope he reconsiders because what we need is not the militarization of public security, but its civilization "he added

]. The Attorney General of the nation, like the state, should not be appointed by the executive branch.

"The appointment of the prosecutor should be completely detached from any interference, including the opinion of the executive power so that occupy this position do not feel favored by the proposal made by the President , and are absolutely autonomous and impartial. "

Corcuera considered that we will not be able to do alone and it will be necessary" that Mexico go to an international mechanism against impunity and corruption for to judge the atrocious crimes that have been committed in the last decade because I do not believe that given the situation in which we are This is possible because there is a risk that prosecutors and judges are in a terrible situation when they judge these atrocious crimes. "

" I think we must hold back from fears that we should not have a mechanism like the Commission against Corruption and impunity as the CICIG of Guatemala, we must go to help, with the help of international organizations like the UN for the establishment of such a mechanism, "In this regard, Meyer observed that" at this point there is no room for false patriotism, it is imbecility "and he hoped that the new government

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