I turned off the iPhone … and turned on the watch


Last Wednesday, I felt brave. That day would leave my iPhone behind (in fact I put it in airplane mode) and I would try to perform as many tasks as possible with the latest edition of Apple. Watch Series 3, which is distinguished by a cellular signal. An act as brave as it was absurd, because the clock was not designed for this purpose, but I managed it.

I left the apartment and decided to listen to music. Nothing about Spotify, because there is no music service application for the clock, so I decided to try the Apple radio application, which offers music stations organized by the expert staff of the company Tim Cook. For that I had to reactivate my Apple Music account and … endure a little frustration.

Although the clock has a signal, I had to try several times before I could connect to the radio service via the mobile network. And that's one thing that the Apple Watch can connect to and another very different one is that the network is working properly.

Arrived at work, I received a call, to which I responded since the clock without problems. Later, I called my mother asking Siri to mark "Home", luckily the assistant quickly understood what I needed and in a few seconds I was talking about the clock .

I waited for the arrival of the messages (the fire test I would answer them on such a small screen) and nothing. Not a message. Neither my family, nor my friends, nor my colleagues. It was then that I realized a very important detail that made me feel something stupid: there is no WhatsApp app for Apple Watch. Neither Facebook nor Twitter.

This means that I had to turn on my phone to see messenger and social network notifications, and only then could I answer them from the clock. The really free services for Apple Watch are Apple messages, calls, maps and Uber.

When ordering a vehicle with the car platform on demand, the clock indicated my position and I had to tell the driver go, once in the car. There is also a small map on which you can adjust the meeting point.

The conclusion that I reached, after trying to use the watch without the phone during the day, was: Apple Watch Series 3 with cell phone that does not completely free you from the phone, but it saves you trouble. Clearly, the company does not expect you to leave your phone all day for the clock, but it seeks to lighten the load when you run and want to listen to music without the weight additional mobile, you must answer a call when you are absent request a transport.

However, I believe that the real potential will come when other developers will decide to create versions of their services for Apple Watch, which are independent of the iOS phone. Fortunately, with WatchOS 5 and the integration of Siri in third-party applications, this becomes a reality.

Jimena Larrea Agency I Reform

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