"I want him out of Miraflores, but I live"


Maria Corina Machado, National Sales Coordinator Venezuela, responded to alleged accusations of the government against her

On Friday, the coordinator said that the government of President Nicolás Maduro had the intention to accuse him falsely attempted Magnicidio.

"Mr. Nicolás Maduro is listening well, I want him now from Miraflores, but I want him to live for him to be judged," Machado said.

He assured that this is not the first time that he is accused by the national executive. In 2014, he was also the victim of false accusations. However, she asserted that until now she has not received any arrest warrant against her.

She added that she and her family have received threats from Nicolás Maduro's government. He also thanked Venezuelans for their support both inside and outside the country.

"The breakthrough here is the blackmail of fear by hunger is broken.The economy is broken, the salary is worthless," said the coordinator, wanting to send a message to Venezuelans.

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