I will close the southern border by the caravan of migrants: Donald Trump


The first members of the caravan of Honduran migrants began entering Mexico yesterday on their way to the United States. Photo: AP


US President Donald Trump has threatened to close the border with Mexico to prevent the passage of a caravan of Honduran migrants seeking entry to the United States, reviving one of their electoral problems favorite three weeks after the parliamentary elections.

I must, in the most energetic terms, ask Mexico to stop this advance and, if it does not, I will call the army and I WILL CLOSE OUR SOUTH FRONTIER! ", Tweeted the president.

The caravan left last Saturday from San Pedro Sula, in northern Honduras.

The US president took over one of his main workhorses that he had used in the 2016 elections, which led him to the White House.

Trump warned that he would send soldiers to the Mexican border, but the way these troops could be deployed was not clear.

In April, the US president announced his intention to send thousands of National Guard soldiers to the border, but this action falls to the governors of each state and not to the president.

It's a political statement. To close the border, you must declare the state of emergency or a congressional resolution. This is not something that happens overnight, "said Manuel Orozco, director of the Migration program of the Washington Dialogue think tank.

On Tuesday, Trump had threatened to stop Washington 's help to these three countries if they did not stop the caravan.


Many Hondurans yesterday chose to enter El Salvador through an illegal border crossing the waters of a river, in a desperate attempt to reach a caravan of their compatriots advancing to Guatemala towards the United States .

Hondurans have chosen not to initiate immigration proceedings at the El Amatillo border post, located 210 km west of San Salvador, to enter Salvadoran territory illegally.

The area is not permanently guarded by the Salvadoran or Honduran authorities, so it is generally used for illicit trafficking of goods.

Meanwhile, more than 200 Hondurans who made up the caravan decided to return voluntarily to the country.

"Comprehensive high level care is needed"

The Nobel Peace Prize winner, Rigoberta Menchú Tum, warned that the migration crisis that is approaching with the arrival of the caravan of migrants advancing towards the United States is not resolved with families who have a visa or do not want to enter Mexico, but with special attention. Integral high level, with the presence of observers and mediators, who check at all times the respect of human rights of people.

The activist recalled the maturity with which, in the 80s, our country has attacked the exodus of Guatemalans fleeing the civil war with refugee programs help.

I was very young at the time and I was one of 79 representatives who named the refugees. As representatives of these refugees, we had the opportunity to contemplate everything, not just tell them, but to stay here for a while and want to return to their country Better situation or if they wish later, they go to the United States alone, but they must also solve some of the humanitarian and operational problems, only for children, for the elderly, and this migration, I see, has the same connotation. I do not doubt that there is an experience to solve this problem, and it is not a matter of whether or not to have a visa, "he said.

Rigoberta Menchú Tum added that as a human rights defender, she saw with great hope the arrival of the new government in Mexico, with whom she could work through advice to promote initiatives and initiatives. public policies to find better mechanisms to combat the phenomenon. of migration.

-For Ernesto Méndez

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