I will respect the election results: Sahuí


Fernando Damián

The candidate of the PRI-PVEM-NA coalition in the government of Yucatán Mauricio Sahuí ] committed to to respect the official election results as well as to privilege peace and harmony in the state.

"With serenity and responsibility, we will be respectful of the results of the elections in which the Yucatecas and Yucatecs participated, in a high percentage," he said.

After polling day, Sahuí and standard bearer of PAN and Movimiento Ciudadano, Mauricio Vila they were proclaimed winners, however, the quick count and the preliminary results give the PAN advantage

A few hours to start the final count of minutes in the 15 constituencies. from the entity, said that he will always favor peace and

In addition, he recognized the residents of Yucatan for their peaceful participation in the electoral process.

"My thanks to the Yucatec and Yucatanans who, with great social responsibility, participated in the last electoral process in an atmosphere of peace and harmony," he said
[19659005] RLO


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