ICOs launched in the first months of 2018 generated $ 13.7 billion, according to the report


The new fundraising system promoted by the ICOs is still a trend among the various start-ups that are venturing into the Blockchain technology sector, and the evidence is the high profitability that many of these projects left for its promoters. This is also the reason why securities regulators from different countries around the world are monitoring these token sales.

The firm PwC, recognized as one of the Big Four consulting firms, and who recently launched an analytics tool to help track digital tokens after its launch to protect start-ups of financial crime, released a new report revealing that 537 ICOs were made in the first months of 2018, which generated US $ 13,700 million

The publication quotes Daniel Diemers, Blockchain boss at PwC Strategy, which discovered with researchers from Crypto Valley, New York, Zurich and Hong Kong, that the activity of ICOs increased in 2018 despite a crushing nearly 70% decline in the cryptocurrency market, driven by the decline in the value of Bitcoin.

The researchers' report, titled "Offers I Coins: A Strategic Perspective", highlights the continued growth and popularity of ICOs worldwide in 2018, and promises to continue to analyze changes and developments in the world. industry that their continued expansion and substantial change are turning into reality.

The vast majority of funds received through symbolic sales 537 in the first and second quarters of this year, according to the report, came from investors who owned large sums of Bitcoin and Ether, cryptocurrency Ethereum, As we know, it is the preferred cryptocurrency when buying chips offered by any of these investment formats.

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