Identify in tortillas Aflotoxins, carcinogens


What we eat is the leading cause of cancer risk, with 36%, before smoking, with 31%, and infections, 11%," said Magda Carvajal, of Lt. Institute of Biology of UNAM.

Aflotoxins are carcinogens in the food we consume on a daily basis: corn, rice, peanuts, nuts, pistachios, peppers, chicken, eggs, milk, sausages and beer, he warned

" Tortillas and their derivatives are contaminated with these secondary metabolites of the fungus Aspergillus flavus, "said the university, who, after a study, concluded that in the country's capital, 95% of white corn and 60% of yellow are contaminated with aflatoxins.

By attending the Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Permanent Seminar of the University Food Program, the specialist stated that "what we eat is the leading cause of cancer risk, with 36% ; in front of smoking, responsible in a 31%;

Aflatoxins, the most potent biological carcinogens, are associated with cancers of the liver, pancreas, lung, colon and cervix, he says

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