IEEQ gives Luis Nava the triumph of PAN at Querétaro; Adolfo Rios will challenge


Querétaro, Qro.- The Electoral Institute of the State of Querétaro (IEEQ) determined that after counting the total number of votes, the candidate who won the election in the state capital was the PAN Luis Bernardo Nava Guerrero, even He handed over his majority record.

"The results confirmed the triumph of the formula headed by the nominee nominated by the National Action (PAN), the Democratic Revolution (PRD) and the Movimiento Ciudadano (MC), Luis Bernardo Nava Guerrero; obtained 154 thousand 301 votes (35.04%), compared to the second place, with 152 000 788 votes (34.70%) ", informed the electoral authority in its newsletter number 91.

However his opponent, who has remained with only 1,513 votes lower, Adolfo Ríos García, has anticipated in football terms that "additional time is about to begin".

"This battle we are fighting and we are fighting it, the last word is not saying, God is good and we walked hand in hand, so we continue to work and we continue to prepare", said the candidate of Morena, PES and PT

Luis Nava later held a gathering of people to celebrate his triumph, in which he did not gather about 500 people, he asked them not to l & rsquo; Give up on him and his team.

"Do not give up, let's go together, now we can say: 'Shoulder with Shoulder', let's go together to be a 'mayor in your street', we all work together because the things are not accomplished alone. "

The official result that Nava Guerrero got with the coalition formed by PAN, PRD and Movimiento Ciudadano, is far from the 62,130 votes that he got Marcos Aguilar Vega, current mayor of Querétaro

In this respect, Nava admits that his administration should change with respect to that led by his party mate, Marcos Aguilar

Of course, there are lessons that we must learn, that we have to print a new seal on the administration because people express it that way, they want changes, they want a change of model, of model and not of brand.

In addition, the head of the state of Morena, Carlos Peñafiel Soto, has accused that during the total recount of votes, they found electoral packages with more votes than voters.

contrado, during the counting process, because simply and simply electoral packages that had more votes than voters, some with up to 100 additional votes, "he said.

In addition to announce that all legal cases will be exhausted, Peñafiel Soto He had confirmed to have established a communication with the former electoral prosecutor, Santiago Nieto Castillo, to collaborate with the defense team of the vote of Ríos García

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