If giving a pension resolves problems, I give it: Fox


Former President Vicente Fox Quesada said that he was willing to give up his pension, if that could solve Mexico's problems, and said he was not afraid to lose his monthly income. On Sunday morning, Vicente Fox and his wife, Marta Sahagún, went to vote in one of the boxes set up at the community 's primary school, where both showed their covered thumbs up. indelible ink.

that the presidential pension was taken partisan in the electoral competition, after the coalition candidate Together we will tell the story, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, warned that the former presidents would be deprived of their pensions because they cost millions of dollars. [19659003"Nomsic'étaitlasolutionauxproblèmesdupaysjesuisravidemapensioniln'yapasdeproblèmeaveccettequestiondepensionilaétéprisdemanièrepartisanesansaucunsens"didilditqu'ILN'yaaucunpaysaumondequinereconnaissepassesprésidentssespremiersministresquineleurdonnepasdepensionquineleurattribuepasd'autresavantagesc'estunepratiquemondialeetleMexiques'ilseproduitseral'exception"Jenevoispaspourquoisicelapouvaitrésoudrelesproblèmesjesouhaitelabienvenue" he said.

Vicente Fox pointed out that violence and corruption are the two main challenges of the next Mexican president. To solve the number one problem, violence, it is urgent to legalize the use of marijuana for medicinal and recreational purposes. He said Mexico was lagging behind and more than any other country was to make these decisions urgently.

"It's the almost unique way of getting out of the violence in which we are immersed, because violence" Corruption and violence are virtually the same thing, "he said. There is a huge challenge for the next few years.He said that now, the elimination of corruption will be one of the big tasks.

He said the violence has worsened since 2006, they reached the lowest point in the history of Mexico, but gradually it was complicated. guanajuatense reported that in economics there is an absolute conviction that Mexico is stronger than ever with the best results in employment, tourism, exports and manufacturing. "In banking and financial terms, we are stronger than ever," he said.


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