"If Neymar wants to be in the apartment, he will go to bed at home": Miguel Layún


Agency DPA

The Mexican football star Miguel Layún today joined the criticism of the Brazilian Neymar and accused him of Always exaggerate in mistakes.

"It's football, if he does not want to be touched, he should devote himself to something else," Layún said after Mexico's 2-0 win over Brazil in the round of 16 .

Hot, he is more worried about being on the ground, if he wants to be on the floor, he will go to bed at home, "adds the Porto striker.

Layún and Neymar played in one of Samara's most controversial scenes today.While Neymar was outside the playing field after a foul, Layún reached out to catch a ball with his hand and went forward – apparently deliberately – Neymar at the ankle

The reaction of the Paris Saint-Germain player was very exaggerated, he was writhing in pain and the Mexican fans were protesting while singing "Sing and Cry" "The Mexican coach, Juan Carlos Osorio, accused Neymar and the Brazilian players to exaggerate.

" The referee stopped the game at any time when there was little contact between the players and allowed false mistakes, it had to be a manly game »Osorio, in a clear reference to Neymar

Layún added that Brazil's continued loss of time was a sign of the "respect" Mexico now imposes on its rivals.

He talks about the respect we have won, I have not seen a Brazil that has imposed quality, he has the best players in the world, he has Neymar, Gabriel Jesus, Paulinho, Coutinho … They are great players and have never given me the feeling that it happened to us, "commented the Lateral

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