If you are addicted to video games, you have a mental disorder according to the WHO


Sputnik Mundo

The World Health Organization (WHO) published on Monday, June 18 a new issue of the International Classification of Diseases (ICE) book in which the entity announced that It included the list of addictions to video games, published by El Tiempo.

  Search Result for OMS: Video Game Addiction is a Mental Disorder

This WHO document, which brings together at least 55,000 injuries, diseases and causes of death worldwide, finally been updated after 11 years of work among the members of the organization and data provided by experts and medical personnel from different countries

The CIE which is currently launching its eleventh edition "allows us to understand a lot of things that make people sick and die, and take steps to prevent suffering and save lives, "informed the Director-General of WHO. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, in a statement

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"We include the disorder of playing additively after analyzing the few proofs we have and having listened a scientific committee that this new phenomenon be included as a disease that can and should be treated, "said the director of the Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse of WHO, Shekhar Sax.

According to the organization, it is estimated that between 2 and 3% of people who play video games have an abusive behavior with these devices.

This new version of the ICD was published for the first time completely electronic to make it more accessible to doctors and other health care workers around the world.

Via: El Tiempo

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