If you are transgender, here is what you need to know to exercise your right to vote


Milenio Digital

In order to guarantee the right to vote, the National Electoral Institute approved what is called " trans protocol ", with the necessary measures to ensure that persons transgender transsexuals and transvestites could vote on an equal footing and free to any kind The agreement, approved in December by the INE General Council, allows to cover people whose gender expression does not match the information contained in their voter card.

Of the 32 states, only Michoacan, Nayarit and Mexico City legally allow trans people born with a gender other than the one they identify to " legal harmonization of their official papers with their physical reassignment of sex so that the trans protocol took on special importance to prevent discrimination and to ensure that members of that community could vote.

If you are part of the trans community, here is what you need to know to exercise your right to vote:

  1. You can vote even if your sexual expression does not match the name or gender that appears on your card. Identity and without
  2. No one should ask you for other evidence that supports your identity, can not intimidate you or invade your privacy.
  3. The members of the polling station must give equal treatment to all persons. without distinction and should be addressed to all electors by their family name or by their gender expression.
  4. In the event that an election authority opposes your voting, you must record what has happened on a sheet of paper.
  5. All places in the country must place a poster that contains a blunt legend about the "right to free and secret voting of all and all citizens, without distinction. "However, even if you do not see the poster, you have the right to vote

These are the measures guaranteeing this right:

  1. All trans citizens having a valid voter card and registered on the nominative list will be able to vote, vote the day of the election.In any case, the lack of concordance between the expression of gender of the voter and the photograph of the voter card , or with the name or sex (male or female) that is established therein may be a reason to prevent voting.
  2. The chairman of the polling station's board of directors shall, where applicable , resolve any observation or questioning made by one of the persons present at the polls, whether it is a question of persons participating as representatives of the political party, or an independent candidate, election observers or candidates. citizens voters.If there is opposition for the person to transe you, from a person authorized to be present in the box, this situation must be indicated on the sheet of incident.
  3. Where applicable, polling station officials will display the triptych describing the equality measures applicable during the election day on the basis of section 1 of the Constitution. Corresponds to the person who holds the position of secretary or secretary of the board of directors.
  4. To receive the protest writings formulated by the representations of political parties or independent candidatures, in order to record them in the minutes. integrate them into the electoral box file. Corresponds to any person authorized to be present in the box.
  5. Refrain from applying additional procedures to confirm the identity of a person. No other proof must be requested to support the identity or legal personality of the person carrying his or her elector card.
  6. Avoid questioning the person about his / her identity or avoid intimidation that invades his / her privacy and mean unequal treatment (uncomfortable and uncomfortable looks, impertinent questions about their physical characteristics or their appearance denigrating and stereotyped gestures and comments) or any other conduct which restricts the right to the free development of personality.
  7. Treat all persons equally, without distinction as to sexual identity, sexual orientation, sexual expression and / or appearance that does not coincide with the socially recognized standards of female and male bodies.
  8. Address all electors by indicating their last name as it appears on the elector's card. Corresponds to electoral supervisors and assistant electoral trainers.
  9. Verify that the voting booth is counted with a triptych addressed to the officials that outlines the equality measures applicable during the election day and that the informative poster is placed.
  10. Intervene, if necessary, to remove doubts and guide the polling station official on the application of the Protocol on polling day. Corresponds to district councils and councils of INE
  11. Prepare and submit to DECEYEC a report on the writings of incidents that have been presented and referred to the participation of trans people in polling stations .

Information from Verified 2018.



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