If you break an INE marker you can go to jail … and other crimes


* Use goods or public services in a campaign

When an official uses property to support or against a candidate or d & # 39; a political party.

Penalty: Up to 400 days fine From 2 to 9 years imprisonment [19659003] * Condition of access to public services and social programs

Where the supply a public service is packaged; respect for government programs; the granting of concessions, permits, licenses or the execution of public works to the issuance of votes in favor of a political party or a candidate.

Penalty: From 200 to 400 days of fine From 2 to 9 years in prison

* Buy or compel the vote of officials

Government work does not involve l & rsquo; Obligation to support a political party.

Penalty: Up to 400 days fine From 2 to 9 years in prison

* Intimidate polling day or prevent access to polling stations

In case of intimidation and attempt against the freedom of suffrage or prevent the free access of voters to the polling place.

Penalty: from 50 to 100 days fine From 6 months to 3 years in prison

… but

If the act is committed by an armed person, the indicated penalty will be increased by one third, regardless of the amount corresponding to the commission of other crimes. 19659003] * Spend time

Deliver or receive contributions, in money or in kind, to a political party or a coalition when funds or goods have an illegal origin or, well, the amount exceeds what is allowed by law.

Penalty: up to 5 thousand days fine 15 years in prison

* Destroy or damage the election material

Members of a political party or citizens without affiliation to a party must not remove, destroy or alter documents or electoral material such as ballots, minutes, ballot boxes, modular and indelible markers.

Penalty: party members 100 to 200 days fine From 2 to 6 years in prison
Citizen From 6 months to 3 years in prison [19659003] * Non-fulfillment of accountabilities [19659002] The candidate must inform the supervisory authorities of the resources used in the political events.

Penalty: 100 to 200 days fine From 2 to 6 years in prison

* Publish investigations outside the allowed time limits

During the three days preceding the election and until the official closing time of the boxes, it is forbidden to publish or broadcast, on average, the results of polls or opinion polls

Penalty: 100 days of 39, fine
Up to 3 years in prison

* Inducing the vote by being a minister of religion This minister of the religious cult who, in the development of the acts of their religion, induce the vote of the citizenship.

Penalty: Up to 500 days fine

* Change identification data to vote Whoever changes the Federal Register of Electors or participates in the issuance Illegal credentials to vote with a photo.

Penalty: From 70 to 200 days of fine From 3 to 7 years in prison

Where to report

* Fepadetel:
01-800-833-72-33 [19659003] * Fepadenet
] www.fepadenet.gob.mx (https://www.fepadenet.gob.mx/registro.aspx

*) In Immediate Attention Unit Boulevard Adolfo López Mateos No. 2836 Colonel Tizapán, San Ángel Delegation Álvaro Obregón CP 01090, Mexico City Telephone
(01 55) 53 46 31 37

* In all delegations of the PGR

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