IFT approves the statutes of the new Telmex companies


The Federal Telecommunications Institute (IFT) approved the articles of incorporation of the wholesale companies to be created by the Telmex and Telnor divisions.

" Derived from the final plan of functional separation the constitutional regulations approved by the Plenary establish the exclusive supply of wholesale telecommunications services as the purpose of the new companies, it is to say that they will not provide service to the end user, but only to the operators and will regulate them the structure and functioning of its decision-making, administrative and government bodies. 39, company during the transition period, "explained the regulator

The articles provide that the company may appoint a sole director or a temporary board of directors to enable it to comply with the second milestone of the calendar , corresponding to the constitution of UMT, UMNOR and SUM and that it will function at most until December 31, 2018.

Telmex has up to the first trime from 2020 to specify the functional separation that is part of the asymmetrical regulation dictated by the IFT, given that it is a preponderant economic agent.

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