Illness that prevents him from talking to the actor Alex Ibarra


A few months ago, actor Alex Ibarra revealed that he was suffering from a illness called spasmodic dysphonia ] which causes the vocal cords ] become tense making the voice sound time or choppy .

Now Benny Ibarra's brother revealed to Ventaneando how he recovered his voice by traveling in his car and listening to the radio.

"In 20 years it was always, it 's psychological, it' s the ebb, it 's all but what it is, one day I' m". listened to the radio and I heard a doctor talk about the problem and I said that and then point the phone, I went to see him and it was like that and it's like that, "said the Mexican .

The actor says that with injections that last 4 or 5 months, they have helped to lead a better quality of life, now the actor is working in the melodrama Educando a Nina.

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