IMF warns of US trade war at G20


The International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) warned that the trade war that erupted after the US decision to raise tariffs will hit global growth, but Washington announced at the G20 that He would continue to support a more "balanced" trade.

With the ministers of the Economy and the presidents of the central banks of the G20 gathered since yesterday in Buenos Aires, the growing tension by the new tariff policy of the United States was palpable in front of Reunion

IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde warned at a press conference that global GDP could suffer from the ongoing trade war

"In the worst case, current (trade) measures may have an environmental impact of 0.5 point (fall) of global GDP "in 2020, said Lagarde.

The IMF continues to anticipate solid growth of 3.9% in the global economy in 2019, but warns against the negative effect that tariff measures initiated by United States and their reciprocity adopted by China, the European Union, Canada or Mexico could have on global growth.

19659003] stated that it will maintain its position of tariff increase which started with an additional 25% on steel and aluminum from China as a strategy aiming to establish a more "balanced" business relationship with its partners

have a more balanced (commercial) relationship "with China" and the balanced relationship is that we can sell more goods "to the Asian giant, said the secretary Trustee has called on China's [trustee] Donald Mnuchin.

Munchin came to Argentina end of a week during which President Donald Trump made strong trade threats.

, the European Union and Russia "enemies" We were very clear in our goals, "said Mnuchin before the start of the meeting in Buenos Aires.

Beijing accuses the United States of promoting "the greatest trade war in economic history" and reacts, in retaliation, to the tariffs on American products

The US trade deficit with China exceeds 370 billion dollars

France calls Washington "reason"

The European Union sees the war with concern The French Minister of Economy and Finance, Bruno Le Maire, has stated that Washington was asking for the "reasonableness" and "respect" of its trade allies.

"Everybody, especially in the European countries, we are concerned about the trade war that started a few weeks ago, there will only be losers in this war, which will destroy jobs and will affect global growth, "said The Mayor ahead of the meeting of G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Presidents in Buenos Aires.

"We call the reason"

The EU and China have agreed this week to form a working group to study a reform of the paralyzed World Trade Organization (WTO).

] EU concessions

About the European Union (EU), US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said that he was going to have to make considerable concessions in the future. he wanted a free trade agreement with the American Union … "If Europe believes in free trade, we are ready to sign a free trade agreement without tariffs, without tariff barriers and without subsidies. They must be all three. "

On interest rates in the United States, Mnuchin said that Donald Trump did not intend to put pressure on the Federal Reserve when he criticized his decision to increase them.

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