Impact on the delay at Cutzamala in CDMX


Ramón Aguirre, director of the water supply system of Mexico City, said in an interview with FOROtv that it was possible that the delay of the reopening of Cutzamala could have an impact on the regularization of the water supply. Water supply in the country's capital.

The manager said that because of the delay in the works, there were problems to receive water, and maybe before Thursday, it will be difficult to standardize the supply .

He assured that the water that will reach the city will be of quality.

Operations in the Cutzamala system restart after 24 hours late

He asked citizens to carefully use the reserved water, as they are studying the impact of the delay in the reopening of the Cutzamala, which was scheduled to begin Saturday at 8 am and end Sunday at midnight. at the same time it was done.


The Mexico City government has called on the population to maintain water maintenance and use actions using as little as possible, only for basic and essential services, in order to maintain a reserve, the regularization of the service that can extend beyond Thursday, November 8th

"At the end of this break in information, the restoration of pumping in the Cutzamala system had not started yet and the National Water Commission (Conagua) had not yet determined the time it took to make the necessary adjustments, after the maintenance and rehabilitation work, to start again with the supply of liquid from the Valley of Mexico, "he said in a statement. .

"Because of the above, the Mexico City government, in coordination with the 13 mayors' offices, has announced that it will maintain the operation deployed since October 31, unchanged at the time of the outbreak of the contingency" , he added.

Miguel Hidalgo and Cuauhtémoc, without affectation by the mega-cut of the water

In a statement, he said the demand for pipelines remained under control less than 4,000 trips a day, below the expected capacity for contingencies, and that the influx of water tanks was also moderate .

From Wednesday, October 31 to the date indicated, 6 000 854 trips were made, which represents more than 74 million 880 000 liters of water. "Today, there have been 692 trips in 339 pipelines, delivering 7 million 636,000 liters of water," he said.

He said that so far, 1,413 calls had been requested to request pipes from Locatel, the Mexico City water distribution system (Sacmex) and the Mayor's office.

He said that the 86 activated herons normally work in the pipes recharge.

"Tanks and water tanks in hospitals and prisons maintain adequate water levels, which ensures their optimal functioning," he said.

The capital's government added that, according to the Ministry of Public Security (SSP), no incidents of pipeline transfer or use of herons or water tanks has been reported.

CDMX predicts that water service will be restored to 100% Thursday

He reported that during these five days, the Ministry of Health (Sedesa) had made more than 60 inspection visits to facilities in which the water was purified. collected more than 280 samples of water from the network for analysis and checked about 150 herons and tanks to check the quality of the water.

"Irregularities were not detected in the surveillance of 86 herons, according to data from the Office of the Comptroller General, who ordered 269 officials to check the origin of the pipes distributed, without recording any damage. Incidents in more than 4 thousand 16 supervised services, "he said.

Due to the resumption of classes on Monday, November 5 and at the end of the Dead Day Bridge, Sacmex phones (5654 3210), Locatel (5658 1111) and those authorized by the town halls remain open at the request of the free service. while the central command post, coordinated by the Government Secretariat (Secgob) and the official mayor (OM), as well as the 13 installed in the town halls are still in coordination.

The 86 authorized herons, the 90 storage tanks of Sacmex and Conagua, the 5,000 tinacos installed by the Social Development Secretariat (Sedeso) and the more than 1,000 owned and leased pipelines continue to be used.

With information from FOROtv and CDMX government


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