IMSS fires a nurse for hitting a teenager


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The Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS) reported that he had separated from his post a nurse from the No. 1 regional general hospital in Culiacán, after a video was taken. was shown on social networks showing the woman pulling and spanking a minor who was interned in the place.

By a statement, the delegation of the IMSS in Sinaloa condemned the behavior of the nurse that was demonstrated in the video, which she described as "unjustifiable".

After the case was brought to his attention, the IMSS indicated that the woman had been separated from her post and that she had opened an investigation into the employment that would have led to its ultimate consequences in determining what happened

. of the IMSS noted that the staff of the delegation of Sinaloa contacted their families "to collect information that contribute to the administrative procedure, regardless of actions

The video begins with the image of the 39, child standing, then the nurse approaches, pulls her and pushes her to bed, while she screams: "I do not want to." [19659002] The woman pulls about what appears to be the serum pipe, which brings the child, who wears the green coat that the hospital gives patients, screaming and crying.

When they are near the bed, the Teenager refuses to lie down.The nurse lays her to the mattress against her will, but she joins him and says "Leave me", releasing the courage of the worker who hits her several times on the buttocks.

At this moment, the youngest ones shout New to leave and leave in peace, but the nurse throws him for the second time is against the mattress and then a worker, who seems to belong to the security personnel, takes the victim's wrists, pulling his arms to the head. 19659002] When they hold her, the woman spanks her again and says, "That's what she needs." While the affected person cries and screams, we hear that the man who is holding his hand tells him, "Why are you shouting?"

At the end of the video, we hear the teenager telling the worker that she is going to accuse her uncles to put in jail, to which the nurse replies: "I I will accuse you of hitting me ", and at that moment she gives him another spanking.

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