IMSS with a new treatment cures hepatitis C – Bajo Palabra


Mexico .- The Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS) is progressing in the eradication of hepatitis C, with two innovative drugs in its basic table, which has been applied since April of last year. With them, 96% of the rights holders treated have eliminated the virus and have regained their quality of life by stopping the progression of liver diseases, such as cirrhosis or cancer, said the institution in a statement

. 544 patients received direct-acting antiviral therapy, 483 of which responded positively to the 12 weeks in which it was applied.

The institution added that with the previous drug, treatment lasted up to two years without providing certainty of cure; With the current, the results are achieved at 99% between three and six months. He explained that Mexico ranks second in Latin America after Brazil, with the highest number of cases diagnosed with hepatitis C, with 232,000, of which 81,000 are beneficiaries of the IMSS.

Social Security has ten centers in the reference hospitals of Mexico City, Guadalajara, Nuevo Leon, Coahuila, Hermosillo, Tamaulipas, Tijuana, Puebla and Yucatan, where the treatment of Hepatitis C is provided, but only to patients carrying genotype 1 of the virus. The institute expects a complete drug that will fight off all types of hepatitis C to add to its soon-to-be open drug table.

The direct-acting antiviral is part of the new generation of drugs that the IMSS incorporates into its basic table for the benefit of beneficiaries, because of its financial strength achieved in this administration.

Dr. Maria Teresa Rizo Robles, of the Hepatitis Clinic of the La Raza National Medical Center Specialty Hospital, He noted that the innovative medicines provided by Social Security have a percentage of The efficacy is greater than 95 percent, while conventional drugs are effective between 55 and 60 percent.

He reported that among the risk factors for acquiring hepatitis C, are blood transfusions prior to 1995, get tattoos and piercings, undergo organ transplant, drug use by intravenous and unprotected sex.

Rights holders – especially those with risk factors – were invited to visit their family medicine unit for a blood test. and be able to detect if they are carriers of hepatitis. If he's positive, he says, patients are referred to a specialized hospital to receive timely treatment and prevent further damage to the liver.

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