In 16 months, seven prisoners of Culiacán escape


Culiacán.- In the course of 16 months, at least seven federal prisoners of high dangerousness escaped from the penitentiary center of that city, with the help of guards; six of them are financial operators or armed weapons of the Sinaloa Cartel.

The last case was recorded early Sunday, when dressed as internal surveillance staff, Julián Grimaldi Paredes, recently reinstated to prison on May 29, and Carlos Salomón Higuera, returned from a federal prison in June 2017, fled by the porch.

For his part, the State Secretary for Public Security, Fermín Hernández Montealegre, explained that the Culiacán prison had 2,000 inhabitants. 233 inmates, 560 of whom are under federal jurisdiction, are hampering homeland security, despite the adaptations that have been made and the placement of CCTV cameras.

Hernández Montealegre explained that since last year, in various At the same date, written requests were made to move ten other detainees to unsafe federal prisons, including Salomón Higuera and Grimaldi Paredes [19659002] Even, in March 2017, with the escape of five federal prisoners, among them Juan José Esparragoza Monzón, El Azulito, financial operator of Cartel Sinaloa, whose father was a founder, the luxury enjoyed by

They were located in modules five, six and 21, plasma TVs, DVDs, 12 PlayStation games, 8 X-Box, cell phones, among other equipment.

Afternoon of Thursday, March 16 Esparragoza Monzón; Jesús Peña González, El 20; Alfredo Limón Sánchez, El Limón; Rafael Guadalupe Felix Nuñez, El Changuito Anthrax, and Francisco Zazueta Rosales, Pancho Chimal, escaped, accompanied by the head of the guard, José Mario Murillo Rodríguez.

Pancho Chimal, identified by the federal authorities as Joaquín Guzmán Loera's head of child safety, was detained for only one month

From that same prison, the morning of 8 August 2009 , Orso Ivan Gastelúm Cruz, El Cholo Ivan, and José Luis Encarnación, the leader of one of the cells of the Cartel of Sinaloa

A day earlier, it was reported that he was organizing a party in its module, with musical decorations, alcoholic beverages and in the company of women.

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